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<p class="caps">
<a href="list.php">Sign Up for news about future SEED Conferences</a>
<p class="eyebrow">
<span class="grey">*</span> A O<span class="smallcaps">NE-</span>D<span class="smallcaps">AY</span> C<span class="smallcaps">ONFERENCE</span> <i>on</i> D<span class="smallcaps">ESIGN,</span> E<span class="smallcaps">NTREPRENEURSHIP</span> <i>and</i> I<span class="smallcaps">NSPIRATION</span> <span class="grey">*</span>
<p class="woodfour">
On Friday, June the 6th 2008 in Chicago
<p class="lede">
Learn about <i>taking control of your own work</i> by seeking out methods to
<p class="caps">
inspire new thinking and adopt unconventional ideas about collaboration and business via<br/>
six presentations and discussions led by 37signals, Segura Inc, Coudal Partners and friends 
<div id="line">
<p class="woodone">
The 3rd S<span class="smallcaps">EED</span> C<span class="smallcaps">ONFERENCE</span>
<p class="caps">
will fill your head with knowledge you can use. This isn&rsquo;t about theory, it&rsquo;s about practice
<p class="copyone">
<i>You should attend if you&rsquo;re a designer (print, web or video) or a business-minded soul who is looking to take creative<br/>
ideas and turn them into something SATISFYING & BANKABLE. Anyone creative with an open mind will take away<br/>
something useful. This is a day of active learning, not just idle listening. Only 270 seats available.</i> <b>REGISTER NOW</b>
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<p class="caps">
The venue will inform the discussion too, SEED will be held in the &ldquo;Cathedral of Modernism&rdquo;
<p class="woodtwo">
<a href="crown.php">C<span class="smallcaps">ROWN</span> H<span class="smallcaps">ALL</span></a> <span class="smallcaps"><i>by</i></span> Mies van der Rohe
<p class="copyone">
<i>Painstakingly renovated in 2005, <a href="crown.php">Crown Hall</a> stands as one of the most important buildings of the modern age and it</br>
was also held in the highest regard by Mies himself who said it best represented his &ldquo;architecture of almost nothing.&rdquo; 
<div id="line">
<p class="eyebrow">
<span class="grey">*</span> <span class="smallcaps">THE</span> D<span class="smallcaps">AY&rsquo;S</span> S<span class="smallcaps">CHEDULE</span> <i>and</i> I<span class="smallcaps">NVITED</span> G<span class="smallcaps">UESTS</span> <span class="grey">*</span>
<div id="sked">
<div id="skeda">
<p class="copyleft">
<b>C<span class="smallcaps">ARLOS</span> S<span class="smallcaps">EGURA</span></b> is the founder of <a href="http://www.segura-inc.com/">Segura, Inc.</a> an internationally 
recognized visual communications company and the creator of <a href="http://www.t26.com/">T.26</a> the web's original digital type foundry 
as well as <a href="http://www.5inch.com/">the 5" retail brand</a> and the <a href="http://www.cartype.com/">Cartype</a> weblog. 
<div id="skedb">
<p class="copyleft">
<b>J<span class="smallcaps">ASON</span> F<span class="smallcaps">RIED</span></b> is the founder of <a href="http://37signals.com">37signals</a>, influential creators of web-based communication and 
collaboration tools <a href="http://www.basecamphq.com/">Basecamp</a>, <a href="http://www.highrisehq.com/">Highrise</a>, 
<a href="http://www.backpackit.com/">Backpack</a> & <a href="http://www.campfirenow.com/">Campfire</a> and authors of the book
<a href="https://gettingreal.37signals.com/"><i>Getting Real</i></a> and the popular weblog <a href="http://www.37signals.com/svn/">Signal vs. Noise</a>.
<div id="skedc">
<p class="copyleft">
<b>J<span class="smallcaps">AKE</span> N<span class="smallcaps">ICKELL</span></b> is the Founder and <b>J<span class="smallcaps">EFFREY</span> K<span class="smallcaps">ALMIKOFF</span></b> is the  
Creative Director of <a href="http://skinnycorp.com">skinnyCorp</a>, the force behind the unstoppable community-based tee shirt design concept <a href="http://threadless.com">Threadless</a> and a 
steady stream of other <a href="http://www.nakedandangry.com/">great ideas</a>. 
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<p class="copyleft">
<b>E<span class="smallcaps">DWARD</span> L<span class="smallcaps">IFSON</span></b> is a National Public Radio correspondent, architecture critic, <a href="http://www.edwardlifson.blogspot.com/">blogger</a> and Loeb Fellow at the Graduate School of Design at 
Harvard. He&rsquo;ll talk during lunch about the Crown Hall, the IIT Campus and Mies.</p>
<div id="skedb">
<p class="copyleft">
<b>J<span class="smallcaps">IM</span> C<span class="smallcaps">OUDAL</span></b> is the founder of <a href="http://coudal.com">Coudal Partners</a>, a design and advertising consultancy that has created numerous
brands and concepts such as <a href="http://coudal.com/deck/">The Deck Advertising Network</a>, <a href="http://jewelboxing.com">Jewelboxing</a>, <a href="http:// layertennis.com">Layer Tennis</a> and <a href="http://fieldnotesbrand.com">Field Notes</a>.
<div id="skedc">
<p class="copyleft">
<b>G<span class="smallcaps">ARY</span> V<span class="smallcaps">AYNERCHUK</span></b> is the proprietor of <a href="http://tv.winelibrary.com/">Wine Library TV</a> and a perfect example of someone who has used the web and his own ingenuity to harness the power of his passion. Check him on <a href="http://tv.winelibrary.com/gary-vaynerchuk-on-late-night-with-conan-obrien">Conan</a>, <a href="http://tv.winelibrary.com/nightlines-interview-of-gary-vaynerchuk">Nightline</a> and <a href="http://tv.winelibrary.com/gary-vaynerchuk-on-the-ellen-degeneres-show">Ellen</a>.</p>
<p class="copytwo">
An <b>O<span class="smallcaps">PEN</span> P<span class="smallcaps">ANEL</span> D<span class="smallcaps">ISCUSSION</span></b> will follow the 
presentations and the day will conclude with a<br/><b>R<span class="smallcaps">ECEPTION</span> 
<i>on the</i> L<span class="smallcaps">AWN</span> <i>of</i> C<span class="smallcaps">ROWN</span> H<span class="smallcaps">ALL</span></b> featuring wines selected by Mr. Vaynerchuk.

<div id="line">
<p class="eyebrow">
<span class="grey">*</span> S<span class="smallcaps">IX</span> C<span class="smallcaps">ONCISE</span> I<span class="smallcaps">NTENSE</span> P<span class="smallcaps">RESENTATIONS</span> <i>and</i> <span class="smallcaps">AN</span> O<span class="smallcaps">PEN</span> P<span class="smallcaps">ANEL</span> <i>to</i> A<span class="smallcaps">LLOW</span> F<span class="smallcaps">OR</span> <span class="grey">*</span>
<p class="woodthree">
Much D<span class="smallcaps">ISCUSSION</span> <i>and</i> I<span class="smallcaps">NTERACTION</span>
<p class="copyone">
An <a href="crown.php">amazing setting</a>, great food all day catered by <a href="http://www.bigdeliciousplanet.com">Big Delicious Planet</a> and a reception on the lawn afterwards. &nbsp;S<span class="smallcaps">EED</span><br/> 
promises to be an amazing Friday, which will leave you with an entire summer weekend in Chicago & 
take our word<br/> 
for it, a summer weekend in Chicago is pretty tough to beat. Regarding S<span class="smallcaps">EED</span>, you can take other people&rsquo;s word for it<br/>
too. Here are a few reviews of S<span class="smallcaps">EEDS 1 & 2:</span> 

<a href="http://www.rohdesign.com/weblog/archives/002389.html">Mike Rohde</a>, 
<a href="http://www.jamesonwatts.com/2008/02/10/the-seed-conference-2008/">Jameson Watts</a>, <a href="http://www.positivespaceblog.com/archives/an-overview-of-the-seed-conference/">Anthony Zinni</a>, 
<a href="http://www.passion2publish.com/2008/01/what-i-learned.html">Bud Caddell</a>, <a href="http://visualrinse.com/2008/01/24/seed-conference-january-18th-2008-recaps-overview/">Chad Udell</a><br/> 
<a href="http://dkdesignstudio.wordpress.com/2008/01/22/seed-conference-recap/">DK Design</a>,  
<a href="http://tumblelog.fishsuit.com/post/24518836">Scott Dierdorf</a>, <a href="http://www.approachingnormal.com/2007/11/1/seed-conference-recap">Larry Wright</a>, <a href="http://www.wakeinteractive.com/blog/view/highlights_seed_conference/">Wake 
Interactive</a>, <a href="http://giantrobots.thoughtbot.com/2008/1/22/the-seed-conference-in-chicago">Matt Jankowski</a>, plus <a href="http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=%22Seed+Conference%22+Chicago&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8">search Google for more comments</a>
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<p class="woodfour">
S<span class="smallcaps">EED</span> <i>is</i> S<span class="smallcaps">OLD</span> O<span class="smallcaps">UT</span>
<p class="copyone">
<i><a href="list.php">Add your email address here and we'll let you know the date and location of the next SEED</a></i>

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<p class="copytwo">
<b>V<span class="smallcaps">ARIOUS</span> D<span class="smallcaps">ETAILS:</span></b> Registration opens at 8a and the conference will conclude around 5p, followed by the reception. Breakfast, a<br/>
buffet lunch, including vegetarian options, and appetizers at the reception will be served. WIFI is free. Parking is included and IIT<br/>
is easily accessible by public transportation. In fact, the CTA Green Line runs right through the Campus Center. From downtown a<br/> 
taxi should be around $10. <a href="http://www.iit.edu/about/directions_main.html">Directions</a>. <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=33rd+and+State+Chicago&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=58.988897,86.220703&ie=UTF8&ll=41.834654,-87.62661&spn=0.110122,0.1684&z=13&iwloc=addr&om=1">Google Map</a>. We don't have any hotel affiliations but we dig <a href="http://www.burnhamhotel.com/">The Burnham</a>, <a href="http://www.amalfihotelchicago.com/">The Amalfi</a> and<br/>
<a href="http://www.jameshotels.com/">The James</a>. The <a href="http://chicago.whitesox.mlb.com/index.jsp?c_id=cws">Sox</a> host the Twins SEED weekend. <a href="http://www.unitedcenter.com/calendar/event.asp?event_id=154">REM</a> is at The UC, <a href="http://www.ChicagoBluesFestival.org/">Blues Fest</a> is on, as is <a href="http://www.chicagotribune.com/about/custom/events/printersrow/">The Printer's Row Book Fair</a>. Peace.
<p class="copytwo"><i>
<span class="grey">Copyright 2008, Seed Chicago Conference. All rights reserved.</i></span>
<img src="http://www.seedconference.com/i/seed888.gif">


On Friday, June the 6th 2008 in Chicago

Learn about taking control of your own work by seeking out methods to

inspire new thinking and adopt unconventional ideas about collaboration and business via

six presentations and discussions led by 37signals, Segura Inc, Coudal Partners and friends


will fill your head with knowledge you can use. This isn’t about theory, it’s about practice
You should attend if you’re a designer (print, web or video) or a business-minded soul who is looking to take creative

ideas and turn them into something SATISFYING & BANKABLE. Anyone creative with an open mind will take away

something useful. This is a day of active learning, not just idle listening. Only 270 seats available.

The venue will inform the discussion too, SEED will be held in the “Cathedral of Modernism”

CROWN HALL by Mies van der Rohe
Painstakingly renovated in 2005, Crown Hall stands as one of the most important buildings of the modern age and it

was also held in the highest regard by Mies himself who said it best represented his “architecture of almost nothing.”

CARLOS SEGURA is the founder of Segura, Inc. an internationally
recognized visual communications company and the creator of T.26 the web's original digital type foundry
as well as the 5" retail brand and the Cartype weblog.
JASON FRIED is the founder of 37signals, influential creators of web-based communication and
collaboration tools Basecamp, Highrise,
Backpack & Campfire and authors of the book
Getting Real and the popular weblog Signal vs. Noise.
JAKE NICKELL is the Founder and JEFFREY KALMIKOFF is the
Creative Director of skinnyCorp, the force behind the unstoppable community-based tee shirt design concept Threadless and a
steady stream of other great ideas.

EDWARD LIFSON is a National Public Radio correspondent, architecture critic, blogger and Loeb Fellow at the Graduate School of Design at
Harvard. He’ll talk during lunch about the Crown Hall, the IIT Campus and Mies.
JIM COUDAL is the founder of Coudal Partners, a design and advertising consultancy that has created numerous
brands and concepts such as The Deck Advertising Network, Jewelboxing, Layer Tennis and Field Notes.

GARY VAYNERCHUK is the proprietor of Wine Library TV and a perfect example of someone who has used the web and his own ingenuity to harness the power of his passion. Check him on Conan, Nightline and Ellen.
An OPEN PANEL DISCUSSION will follow the
presentations and the day will conclude with a
featuring wines selected by Mr. Vaynerchuk.


VARIOUS DETAILS: Registration opens at 8a and the conference will conclude around 5p, followed by the reception. Breakfast, a

buffet lunch, including vegetarian options, and appetizers at the reception will be served. WIFI is free. Parking is included and IIT

is easily accessible by public transportation. In fact, the CTA Green Line runs right through the Campus Center. From downtown a

taxi should be around $10. Directions. Google Map. We don't have any hotel affiliations but we dig The Burnham, The Amalfi and

The James. The Sox host the Twins SEED weekend. REM is at The UC, Blues Fest is on, as is The Printer's Row Book Fair. Peace.

Copyright 2008, Seed Chicago Conference. All rights reserved.

Selamat Mencoba

credit: seedconference

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